The goal of {riskybiz} is to provide both a formula framework for creating competing risks regression objects and also output useful components such as model.frame that the original {cmprsk} package does not provide.


The {riskybiz} package was written as a wrapper/enhancer to the {cmprsk} package.

To install the development version of {riskybiz}



The standard cmprsk::crr() function has specific input requirements.

Output of model does not contain elements like model.frame since the function does not take a data.frame as input.

Using our wrapper function riskybiz::crr() allows for inputting an intuitive formula and data, which allows for downstream functions.


Please note that the {riskybiz} project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms. A big thank you to all contributors!
@ddsjoberg, and @margarethannum